View Full Version : LZ VHF Field Day Contest 4-5 Iulie 2020

03-07-2020, 11:08
Am primit un mesaj de la colegii din LZ prin Victor LZ1NY, care ne re-aminteste de faptul ca in week-end se va desfasura si LZ VHF Field Day Contest 2020 .
Logurile sunt asteptate prin pagina de upload :
http://vhfcontest.bfra.bg/upload/ .
Daca apar probleme , acestea pot fi semnalate prin email: vhf@bfra.org.
Mesajul in original mai jos:

Please remind YO friends radio amateurs about our new contest robot -
Inform them that s/ware is still beta, so be careful and report bugs. Logs can be send usual way (by email) as well...
Looking for QSO this weekend during the LZ VHF Field Day Contest 2020 !

73! Victor / LZ1NY