View Full Version : Calendar competitional VHF-UHF-SHF

29-01-2018, 11:10
In perioada urmatoare voi incerca sa readun informatiile privind competitiile din YO si tarile vecine privind competitziile cu regulamente si adrese de expediere (upload sau email) .
Orice informatie este binevenita aici pentru a la concentra si genera calendarul .

73 de yo4fyq / kn44fd Claudiu

16-02-2018, 15:26
In perioada urmatoare voi incerca sa readun informatiile privind competitiile din YO si tarile vecine privind competitziile cu regulamente si adrese de expediere (upload sau email) .
Orice informatie este binevenita aici pentru a la concentra si genera calendarul .

73 de yo4fyq / kn44fd Claudiu

Buna ziua
Sper sa fim in stare ca acesta sa dureze mai mult decat alte incercari. Cred ca depinde de noi toti.
Am incercat sa realizez un calendar cu conc. US si UUS, orientandu-ma dupa calendarele din anii trecuti. Desigur ca poate fi imbunatatit, selectate numai cele de UUS, etc. Nu stiu cum sa-l atasez. Il trimit prin e-mail lui Claudiu, YO4FYQ.
73 de yo7ckp kn14vh, Craiova

16-02-2018, 22:33
Multzumesc Marian pentru fisier . Incerc sa folosesc cat se poate de mult din datele trimise. Oricum voi relua ce am facut in 2016 unde voi pune link si spre regulamente si unde se vor urca sau trimite fisele sau orice alta idee este binevenita .

73 de yo4fyq kn44fd Claudiu

11-04-2018, 23:19
In seara aceasta a fost activat butonul ,, Concursuri ,, de pe www.uus.ro , in cadrul lui a fost adaugat calendarul competitional VHF/UHF/SHF YO si NON-YO din jurul YO. In mod sigur sunt multe lipsuri, vom incerca pe cat posibil sa completam.


Orice informatie , modificare sugestie sunt binevenite .

19-01-2019, 13:30
Prin amabilitate lui Costi YO7FWS calendarul competitional pentru Estul Europei a fost reactualizat pentru 2019

28-05-2019, 14:23
Cred ca ar fi util de trecut in Calendarul competitional pe 2019 si concursul colegilor rusi din 1-2 iunie.
Info mai jos... ;)

REGULATIONS of the Russian Championship VHF 2019
PDF version print version
Posted by Dmitry RA3AQ
Wednesday, 22 May 2019

14:00 UTC June 1 to 09:00 UTC June 2, 2019
Types of work: CW and Phone (SSB, FM).
Ranges: 145 MHz, 435 MHz, 1.3 GHz, 5.7 GHz, 10 GHz and 24 GHz.

1. Classification of sports competition
The Russian Radio Sport Championship (VHF radio) (hereinafter referred to as sports competitions) is held on the basis of the Unified calendar plan of interregional, All-Russian and international sports events and sports events of the Ministry of Sports (EKP-2019) and the Regulation on interregional and all-Russian official sports competitions in radio sport for 2019 year ", in accordance with the Rules of the sport" Radio Sport ", the Unified All-Russian Sports Classification (EVSK), regulations governing the activities of amateur services Radio communications in the Russian Federation and these Regulations.
Sports competitions - personal with team standings among sports teams of constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

2. Organizers and participants of sports competitions
The organizers of sports competitions are the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Center for Sports Training of Russian National Teams” (FSCU DSP), the All-Russian public organization of radio sport “Union of Radio Amateurs of Russia” (SRR). Conducting organization - CPP. The judging of sports competitions is carried out by the sports panel of judges of the Regional Branch of the SRR in the Chelyabinsk region.
Participants in sporting events are citizens of the Russian Federation located in the territory of the Russian Federation.
Participants in sports competitions are allowed to conduct radio communications with amateur radio stations of all countries of the world.
Amateur radio stations of all countries of the world are invited to conduct radio communications during sporting events. Among them, a separate calculation is made under the condition that at least one confirmed radio contact with amateur radio stations in Russia is conducted.

3. Goals and objectives of sporting events
- development of radio sport in the Russian Federation;
- Identification of the strongest athletes for the formation of sports teams of Russia on radio sport;
- fulfillment of the sports standards of the EUSC.

4. Sports program
Sports competitions are held from 14:00 UTC on June 1 until 09:00 UTC on June 2, 2019.
Venue: on the location of radio stations.
Repeated radio communications are allowed with the same correspondent on different bands.
Types of work: CW and Phone (SSB, FM).
Ranges: 145 MHz, 435 MHz, 1.3 GHz, 5.7 GHz, 10 GHz and 24 GHz.

5. Types of the program
Personal account
- SO - VHF radio communication, a radio station with one participant (many bands, men / women);
- MO - VHF radio communication, a radio station with 2-3 participants (many bands, men / women).
Team test
- sports teams of subjects of the Russian Federation.

Unqualified types of program
In the types of programs MO and SO, additional results are summed up by the ranges, as well as among the foreign radio stations that have sent reports.

6. Control numbers
Participants in sporting events exchange control numbers and QTH locators. The control number consists of the RS (T) and radio serial number, starting with 001.
Example of control number and QTH-locator:
RW3TJM 599001 LO16XG.
The numbering of radio communications is separate for each band.
The time of the radio communication is the time of its completion.

7. Scoring
For each valid radio communication points are added for each kilometer distance between correspondents:
- on the range of 145 MHz - 1 point
- on the range of 435 MHz - 2 points
- on the 1.3 GHz band - 4 points
- on the ranges of 5.7 GHz, 10 GHz and 24 GHz - 6 points
The final result is defined as the sum of points.
The result of the sports team of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation is the sum of the three best results in the types of programs SO and MO.

8. Reports
Each athlete or team, regardless of the number of radio communications conducted, is required to provide a report to the panel of judges on participation in competitions in electronic form.
The report must be made in the format "EDI" (RU), reports made in other formats are not accepted for judging. The report files should include: last name, first name, patronymic name, sports title (sports rank), year of birth and address in Russian.
Reports must be uploaded to the electronic judging system of the Union of Radio Amateurs of Russia http://contest.vhfdx.ru. Registration in the system is mandatory for all participants of sports competitions. Downloading a report is possible only after registration in the system.
The deadline for receiving reports is June 10, 2019.
Current information on the progress of refereeing is published on the website http://vhfdx.ru

9. Awarding
Winners (men / women) are determined separately in each type of program by the highest number of points scored:
- athletes who took 1st place in the types of programs SO and MO, awarded the title "Champion of Russia";
- with valuable prizes (cups) are awarded to radio stations that have taken 1st place in the types of programs SO and MO;
- medals and diplomas (in electronic form) are awarded to athletes who took 1-3 places in the types of programs SO and MO;
- diplomas (in electronic form) are awarded to athletes who have taken 1-3 places in the ranges in the groups SO and MO;
- diplomas (in electronic form) are awarded to sports teams that have taken 1-3 places in the team standings among sports teams of constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
Diplomas in electronic form posted on the website of the RAF.
Places are distributed and rewarding is made if in the form of a program at least five participants.

10. Terms of financing
Prize attributes (cups and medals) are provided by the Federal State Budgetary Institution TsSP and SRR.
The costs of secondment (travel, meals, accommodation) and insurance of competitors provide their sending organization.
The basis for sending is this Regulation.

03-06-2019, 10:17
Pentru a incarca logurile la Russian Championship VHF, se face intai inregistrarea aici: https://contest.vhfdx.ru/en/signup , bifati "I agree". Primiti imediat e-mail cu un link pentru incarcare. Are si limba Engleza. Logurile se incarca pe aceeasi pagina, dar pe rand. Mai are si un buton Save, pe care l-am apasat pt siguranta . . .
73 GL, Dan

04-06-2019, 10:03

Prin amabilitatea lui Dan YO9CWY, avem traducerea la Regulamentul Russian Championship VHF. Acesta poate fi descarcat de pe adresa urmatoare
sau accesind pagina noastra Concursuri 2019 (http://concursuri.uus.ro/).

Daca aveti informatii legate de alte concursuri, de interes pentru iubitorii de UUS, va rugam sa ne contactati pentru actualizarea paginii.

Costi YO7FWS

19-07-2019, 08:34
Curios, in calendarul competitional pe luna iulie nu este trecut concursul CQ WW VHF Contest. Cupa Moldovei este un concurs mai important (care oricum nu se mai tine de cativa ani) din moment ce este trecut in calendar iar cel mentionat la inceput nu?
Regulamentul la CQ WW VHF Contest https://www.cqww-vhf.com/rules.htm


19-07-2019, 11:34
Draga Mugurel

Invata sa numai tragi pe nimeni la raspundere. Totul se face din voluntariat si pasiune pentru radioamatorismul in UUS. Nimic mai mult.
Calendarul acela se completeaza numai pe baza informatiilor venite de la diversi contributori. Ultimul a fost George YO8SAO, si inainte lui Zoli YO5EA. Ei nu au tras pe nimeni la raspundere. Ei au contribuit.
Calendarul nu se completeaza singur.
De cite ori am primit o informatie, am incercat in timpul cel mai scurt sa il si actualizez.
Cu cit apar mai multe concursuri afisate in el, cu atit mai complet va fi calendarul anul viitor.

Intrebare: daca tu ai stiut de el, de cu nu m-ai informat? Eu chiar n-am stiut.

Salutari !
Costi YO7FWS

19-07-2019, 12:37
Cupa Moldovei oricum nu se mai tine de cativa ani

Deci Cupa Moldovei nu se tine in acest week-end? Planuiam sa ies maine dupa-masa pe deal pentru cateva QSO-uri.

Emil, YO5PUV

19-07-2019, 18:48
Salut Emil

Am reactualizat Calendarul (http://concursuri.uus.ro/). Conform paginii Radioamator.ro (https://www.radioamator.ro/) weekendul acesta este programat si concursul YO VHF/UHF Zi plină de vară. Daca nici asta nu se tine, pregateste-te bine, pentru duminica, deoarece Maratonul YO... chiar se tine, hi. Sper sa schimbam un control.
Distractie placuta !

Salutari !
Costi YO7FWS

30-03-2020, 11:00
Un calendar al concursurilor europene din VHF/UHF/SHF gasiti la aceasta adresa.
http://www.dj5ar.de/?page_id=2502&fbclid=IwAR0mw48rv_OgHHwBHq50ZnoR0146_H8q65X2x0LOk xnN5v946Dh5d4X9hLA

23-07-2020, 22:46
Pentru ca luna August se apropie, am o observatie:
Calendarul (http://concursuri.uus.ro/) de aici de pe uus.ro zice ca "Alpe Adria VHF" si "Concursul Carpati VHF" sunt in 20.08
Regulamentele lor zic primul weekend complet din August. Deci corect e 02.08, nu 20.08
Primul weekend din august se anunta foarte incarcat :D

73, Emil

31-07-2020, 12:30
In paralel cu Maratonul YO VHF de ceva timp se desfasoara si Maratonul YO SHF in banda de 23cm (deocamdata). Il rog pe cel care se ocupa de actualizarea Calendarului competitional sa treaca si acest concurs in tabel. Cred ca era cunoscut acest lucru dar a fost omis :p.

Link catre regulament https://www.vhfdx.ro/index.php/ro/maraton-yo-shf/
Link pentru incarcarea logurilor https://www.vhfdx.ro/index.php/ro/maraton-yo-shf/log-upload/
